We're proud to raise Boer-Kiko cross meat goats using rotational grazing and regenerative farming practices on our farm in Northwestern Wisconsin. Our goat meat is harvested, cut and packaged in a USDA inspected facility so it's ready to be enjoyed with your family.
We offer nationwide shipping and local pickup options.
Learn More about how we farm goat meatWhen the cold weather hits there's nothing better than warm and comforti...
Are you a farmer or rancher who raises meat goats?
Check our our sister site, grazingwithleslie.com, to learn more about raising, grazing and marketing meat goats.
Farm Club is the best value for buying a whole goat, bulk options, curated charcuterie kits, or simply receiving your favorite cuts on a regular basis.
Enrollment in our Farm Club Subscription Program is closed for the year and will reopen in March annually, with new member boxes shipping in April.
New member enrollment for 2023 is now closed. Join the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens in 2024. If we have any extra memberships open this year, we will only notify this list.